Monday, February 5, 2018

Space1 Rocket Flight Computer

Tweaking rocket gear - metal o-ring cylinder assembly
Below: Automatic hydraulic and electro mechanical circuits are built into the RS-25. The Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25 is a liquid-fuel cryogenic rocket engine planned to be used on the Space Launch System. NASA

Space1 is establishing a new rocket onboard flight computer, in particular for first use on the 2018 and 2019 USS Pioneer fleet of rockets and possibly its future predecessor fleets such as the USS Adventure and USS Triumph rocket space craft already on the design board. The rocket will be fitted with the newest flight computer, dubbed the Pioneer computer, to record data autonomously and automatically without human or AI intervention. The following functions will be programmed and incorporated into the rocket flight computer:

* Display computer screen
* Keyboard entry
* Power source level
* Wireless data transmission
* Blue tooth enabled
* Peak speed
* Descent speed
* Average acceleration in Gs
* Peak Altitude
* Peak acceleration in Gs
* Burn time
* Coast time to apogee
* Apogee to eject time
* Time to Apogee
* Eject altitude
* Eject time
* Flight duration
* Current altitude
* Memory multiple flights to 10x10
* 25 samples per second
* Imperial & metric settings
* Precision to 1-foot
* Barometric pressure 19-bit altitude sensor
* 3-axis Accelerometer
* Launch trigger
* Auto parametric graphing
* Acceleration sample rate 250 times per second
* Internalized power source
* Flash memory
* Auto power down

The idea is the sheer number of data parameters will allow a thorough and comprehensive analysis of real time rocket flights.