Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Space1 Chemical Rocket Fuel

Space1 has converted all dry powder rockets into new chemically fueled rockets, thereby increasing the ability to lift more payload and increasing the safety factor.

The powerful and exciting new space changing chemical rocket fuel was introduced in 2018 to replace the former dry black powder of fireworks origin. The new chemical fuel contains no black powder, no gunpowder, and will radically change the way of travel in space, and is composited by Space1 assigned chemists working on enhanced and modified Heavy Hydroxil Acid. The acid fuel by itself in a natural state is safe and not prone to explosion. However, the modified substance is under duress and precautions are taken to ensure its safety. The substance is fatal when inhaled and may have blistering vapors. The new fuel is mined at no cost and is safe to transport in its unmodified state. The green Earth safe rocket chambered excess fuel is typically dumped on the ground and is safe to the environment due to evaporation. This facilitates use of a portable launch pad and lightens up the overall load for transportation from the launch site. It also makes packaging smaller for return transportation. Overall, this fuel is much safer for transport. However, based on tests, this is the most powerful rocket fuel ever concocted by Space1 chemists and will undoubtedly change the face of space tourism.